

The global TP namespace is used as a container for all Touch Portal API methods, which are invoked with TP. qualifier, eg. TP.stateUpdate("Hello!");.

Static Public Member Functions

Sending Data

These functions all send information or commands to Touch Portal.

void stateUpdate (String value)
void stateUpdate (String name, String value)
void stateUpdateById (String id, String value)
void stateCreate (String id, String parentGroup, String desc="", String defaultValue="")
void stateRemove (String id)
void choiceUpdate (String id, Array< String > values)
void choiceUpdateInstance (String id, String instanceId, Array< String > values)
void connectorUpdate (String shortId, int value)
void connectorUpdateByLongId (String connectorId, int value)
void showNotification (String notificationId, String title, String message, Array< Object > options=[],< Function|String|Array > callback=null)
void settingUpdate (String name, String value)
void stateUpdate (String value)
void stateUpdate (String name, String value)

These are events which are raised whenever some kind of data update is received from Touch Portal.

Events may pass one or more parameters to callback handlers (check documentation for specific events). There are two syntactical ways to connect a callback function to an event.

First is by using the usual 'on*' style syntax:

TP.oneventName( (parameters) => { .... } );
The global TP namespace is used as a container for all Touch Portal API methods, which are invoked wi...
Definition: touchportal.dox:7

The other way is with the connect() event prototype method:

TP.eventName.connect( (parameters) => { .... } );

Both forms have a 2-parameter version which allows a context object to be given, which then becomes the "this" object when the event handler callback is executed.

MyObject.prototype.myHandler = function(parameters) { ... }
const myObject = new MyObject();
TP.oneventName(myObject.myHandler, myObject);
// OR (note the switched parameter order)
TP.eventName.connect(myObject, myObject.myHandler);
void messageEvent (Object message)
void broadcastEvent (String event, Object data)
void connectorIdsChanged (String instanceName, String shortId)
Connector Data

Touch Portal reports connector instances to the plugin via shortConnectorIdNotification messages.

These messages are parsed and logged into a database. The functions in this group can be used to query the data based on various criteria about logged connectors. The connector short IDs can then be used to send updates back to Touch Portal, which will move the corresponding slider(s) into a particular position.

See also
connectorIdsChanged(), ConnectorRecord, Updating Sliders from Scripts, Color Mixer Example, Touch Portal Connectors API
Array< StringgetConnectorShortIds (Object criteria={})
Array< ConnectorRecordgetConnectorRecords (Object criteria={})
ConnectorRecord getConnectorByShortId (String shortId)
Other Data

Miscellaneous other data/information access functions.

String currentPageName ()